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Beatrice E. McDonald
 Beatrice E. McDonald

Miller F. Whittaker LibraryLibrary Technical AssistantMiller F. Whittaker Library, Circulation Department803-536-8645

Beatrice E. McDonald

Beatrice McDonald Inspects all book shelves for accuracy; checks shelves against lost books and overdue files; charges and discharges library books using an automated online circulation system; receives and processes reserve requests; assists library users in locating materials, communicates policies and procedures, and maintains good relations with other library department faculty, staff, students, and other library users.


  • Office Clerical Assistance - Orangeburg Technical College - 1973


McDonald retired after more than 20 years of servioce but came back to volunteer at SC State for two years. She has been re-employed since October 1, 2021. McDonald likes to read novels and loves traveling.