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Christian Jackson
Christian Jackson

Counseling & Self-Development CenterDirector of Counseling and Self-Development CenterCounseling and Self-Development Center(803) 536-8698

S. Christian Jackson

As the Director of Counseling and Self-Development, Ms. Jackson oversees mental health and wellness care for students, providing individual, group, and peer support to promote overall success. She ensures that students have access to provided mental health resources while creating a supportive environment where students can thrive academically and personally.


  • 2008-B.A. Psychology from Winthrop University
  • 2014-M.S. Mental Health Counseling
  • 2014-National Board Certified Counselor
  • 2018-Licensed Professional Counselor
  • 2021-Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor


Ms. Jackson, a licensed professional counselor supervisor and National Board-certified counselor, joined SC State in April 2023. With a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Winthrop University and a Master of Science from Walden University, she brings a wealth of knowledge to her role. As an EMDR-trained therapist, she focuses on addressing post-traumatic stress symptoms. Ms. Jackson has extensive experience developing mental health initiatives and increasing access to care for marginalized populations. Her dedication to direct client care and professional development sets her apart.

She continues to offer insight about how to cope with the emotional trauma of “daddy issues,” also known as the “father wound.” This is part of her brand, Couch with Christian, where she serves women in recovery from relationship trauma based on her books. She often is hired to speak for various organizations to educate them about mental health and wellness implications related to this trauma based on attachment theory. Jackson also co-developed specific assessment and treatment to address the implications of complex trauma for adolescent boys and girls in the black community. She continues to partner with another firm for ongoing professional development to support this population using this model.