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Sarah Priester
Sarah Prister

English & CommunicationInstructor of English and CommunicationsTurner Hall A-Wing 288803-516-4816

Sarah Prister

Sarah Priester is an instructor of English composition at South Carolina State University. She also serves as a faculty senator.


  • Bachelor of Art in English Education from SCSU in 1993.
  • Master's of Education in Secondary English Education from SCSU 2001
  • PhD. Student at the University of South Carolina pursuing the Doctorate of English


Priester has worked at SC State since 2013. She is the recipient of the Innovative Student Mentoring Award given by the Division of Academic Affairs (2022). Dr. Priester was also nominated as Professor of the Year for the Department of English (2019). Lastly, she published an article in the HBCU Times on "Being a College-Ready HBCU for the Underprepared Writer". (2021).


HBCU Times: "Being a College-Ready HBCU for the Underprepared Writer" (2021)