Put Your Analytical Mind to Work with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from SC State
A major in mathematics provides you with good preparation for graduate study in mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, or operations research as well as for many industrial positions as a mathematical analyst/programmer. With electives in business, this major is excellent preparation for actuarial careers. The mathematics curriculum is also designed to provide students with an opportunity to study areas of application such as economics, natural sciences, and psychology which will deepen their understanding of the role of mathematics.
Career Opportunities
Employment prospects are excellent for Mathematics Majors. A critical shortage of math teachers exists throughout the nation, creating an increasing demand for bright new instructors. A degree in Mathematics prepares one for a career in any of the following areas:
- Actuarial Scientist
- Economist
- Engineering Analyst
- Marketing Research Analyst
- Mathematician
- Numerical Analyst
- Operations Research Analyst
- Statistician
- Systems Analyst
What if I Want to Teach?

Students in the Teaching of Secondary Mathematics receive hands-on, technology-rich instruction in both mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry, probability & statistics, calculus, discrete math, real analysis, computer science) and education (theory as well as research-based teaching practices), preparing them for secondary level teaching.
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Double Your Degree

SC State offers a dual degree program in Mathematics and Computer Science. You will satisfy the requirements for both majors.
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Minor in Mathematics
Minors in mathematics must satisfactorily complete the following Mathematics and Computer Science courses with at least a “C”: M153 or M158, M 163 or M 168, M207 or M305, M208 or M309, M215, M306, M314, and CS160 or an approved programming language. (25 or 27 semester hours).
Visit the Department of Computer Science & Mathematics